Are we there yet?

Spoiler: We are not there yet.

I have two infuriating stories to relate. They’re real-life stories, I’m sorry to say.

Story One

I was at a conference a few weeks ago, and during the morning of one of the days, I staffed a table for WooCommerce. My role was to answer questions about WooCommerce, essentially. It was a busy morning, and I quite enjoyed my time (although it turns out that I’m not used to three hours on my feet). However, towards the end of my shift, someone came up to me and asked if I could go get someone technical, because they had a technical question. In a piece of fiction, this would probably be a man, someone leering and careless. But this is a true story, and it was an older woman who looked no-nonsense. I stared blankly for a moment, leaned closer to her and blurted “I am the technical!” She looked flustered, and immediately apologized and made it worse, by saying “I’m so sorry! I just assumed you were the booth babe!” Then we both inspected her mouth to see if there was any chance of getting her foot back out. Based on her face and demeanor after she called me a booth babe, she was mortified. I suspect she was flustered from her first slip, and it just snowballed on her. I helped her move on from it, and we had a good chat about what she wanted to do with her site. But still, it didn’t feel great. If you look a post or two back, you can see the link to my talk; that’s what I was wearing for staffing the table as well. It shouldn’t matter. I should be able to wear a dress and still be taken seriously.

Story Two

This story isn’t about me, but was related to me by one of my close friends. She works shift work. She’s got a bachelor’s degree, and has been with the same place for the past 14 or 15 years (I think – might be 13 or 14). Anyway, a significant amount of time. She’s the backbone. She never calls in. She switches holidays with people who have small kids. She covers shifts when others are sick. She works extra for anyone at any time. And she’s done this for more than a decade. A few years ago, she applied for a posted job at her work to move to a different shift – one that is significantly more popular because it’s first shift. She got the job, and was assured that she could move once they found someone to replace her, in the far less popular second shift. The replacement was never found. The job went away. More recently, she applied to be the manager of her group. She’s got the tenure, she’s got the degree, and she’s got the professionalism. She’d genuinely be great at it, too – she has great rapport with people, and can keep a lot of things in motion at the same time. A far less qualified man (in all ways – no degree, no tenure, bad enough people skills that my friend was actually asked if this man really swears all the time) ended up in the role. He bragged later that he had been through so many internal interviews that he knew what to say. My friend is looking for a new job. She resisted for so long because she was loath to be at the bottom of the heap again, except that she’s never gotten out from under the heap in the past 14 years. What can she do? There’s nothing left but to leave, and start over somewhere new, with no guarantee it will be any better. A qualified woman shouldn’t be passed over for a less-qualified man, much less one who apparently swears at customers too much.

It’s all infuriating. I mean, I’m glad that some men who use their power and influence to rape and otherwise sexually assault women are getting held accountable, but that is really only part of the problem. It’s a huge part, and we need to fix it, don’t get me wrong. But there’s also the passive sexism – the status quo – that people have trouble seeing or don’t think they engage in until they catch themselves doing it because it’s so ingrained, that we also desperately need to fix. If we don’t, we’re not going to rid the world of the people who think they can touch a woman because she’s there; they’ll keep re-forming in every new generation. There isn’t a quick or easy fix. This is going to take a long time, and we can’t ever give up. Look at the history: women have only had the right to vote (in America) for fewer than 100 years. White men have had the right to vote for the past 241 years in America. And of course have controlled all of society forever. So yeah. It’s gonna be a slog.

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58 responses to “Are we there yet?”

  1. Jane Fritz Avatar

    Great and important post. Thank you. My mother, who would have turned 100 this year, died in 1974. She would be absolutely appalled to know that we as a society still have so far to go with gender equality and expectations. Absolutely appalled.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Sherman Avatar

    So inspiring. This needs so much more awareness.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Hunter Avatar
    The Hunter

    In the first story, I also think there is a good point about first impressions. I have seen,and experienced, that when we don’t look like your stereotypical techie we often get overlooked. Brains and beauty don’t have to be mutually exclusive. (But hey take the booth babe thing as a personal compliment.)

    Liked by 4 people

  4. samkhyapath Avatar

    Very eye opening matter, it should be acknowledged to the concerned person. And one who is suffered should strongly come out. All persons who understands around her should stood with her.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Festenstein Avatar

    Motivational post

    Liked by 2 people

  6. briacadbury Avatar

    Thank you for giving a voice to these crucial conversations. Both stories bring to light the pervasiveness of gender role discrimination. Unfortunately, the second story discredits The idealistic scenario I outline here:

    Sexual Harassment: A Backroad To Matriarchy?


  7. hideoutxoxo Avatar
  8. heris252 Avatar

    Reblogged this on Cleaning Service in the Stockholm.


  9. themessymom84 Avatar

    I was getting ready for a deployment where we were all invited to wear civilian clothes. At every information booth my husband was looked directly in the eyes and given information and then they turned to me and said I could ask for help while he was away…over a decade in the military and most of my family make posts thanking the male military members in the family for their service.


  10. zainab_booklover Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your experiences. I believe sharing our stories will eventually raise awareness and solidarity between us all to work on changing the status quo. I added a link of your post (are we there yet) to a review I just posted on ‘We Should All Be Feminists’ by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie ( it’s an amazing work you should check it if you haven’t already)
    in case you want to check my review:


  11. Vomini Rana Avatar
    Vomini Rana

    Really inspiring post


  12. rajatgogia Avatar

    I hate this discrimination. I have a two year old daughter and I think about this issue everyday. One of my older relatives have two boys and he generally makes a comment that how thankful he is that he didn’t have to deal with having a daughter, hearing that makes me so mad. Thanks for sharing you story, we all need to speak up against this discrimination.


  13. enlightenedomain Avatar

    I enjoy your insight on this topic. Great article.


  14. Aakanksha Avatar

    Being a Paediatrician who comes across gender bias every time a girl child is born, I can totally understand why we’re not there yet! Thank you for testifying it out loud!


  15. thecedarjournal Avatar

    I think your friend should not look for a new job but get a good lawyer and fight for the position she wants. If they truely picked someone with less experience and is not professional then they should have to show why. If she is not willing to stick her neck out for the job she wants then she puts at risk each and every person (man or woman) who is qualified for future advancement. Why would anyone be motivated to work in a company that doesn’t select the most qualified and professional people?

    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Nour Zidan Avatar

    Such an important issue that women face all over the world and it’s perfectly expressed in those two scenarios.


  17. achrasia Avatar

    The world of work is a jungle, judging ‘techies’ by appearances, letting casual sexism intersect with casual ageism… the list is long. Thanks for the post.


  18. hanooyaa Avatar

    Truly inspiring. Inequality is many centuries old problem happening to women all over the world.


    1. christinashineon Avatar

      Souls of all size, shape, color, sex, location and age….


  19. thecheekycyclist Avatar

    Thank you for putting words to the ingrained passive sexism. I see it daily too, and it’s usually a small thing, but so pervasive and poisonious. Sharing our stories is so important! Thank you!


  20. Cate Avatar

    And, black men — former slaves -=- were deemed worthy of the vote in the United States 50 years before the most educated white woman. Sexism is the most intractable “ism” in our culture, and though women in appalling numbers are raped, beaten and killed in their own homes by the men who are supposed to love them, this garners far less attention and outrage than expressions of racism, and especially racism that specifically harms black men (as opposed to black women). One would have a hard time gathering convincing evidence that female lives matter in this country.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. briacadbury Avatar

    You make an excellent point that sexual-harassment, gender discrimination and other stratifying ideologies are in fact the status quo, thereby making them difficult to recognize. And dangerously powerful. I talked about that today on my blog:

    The Price of Resistance

    The Price of Resistance: Reclaiming Sexuality


  22. hughhefnuts Avatar

    You make an excellent point that needs more awareness in our culture! Eradicating discrimination and stereotypes is a long, arduous, and urgently necessary process that starts in our own minds: unraveling the beliefs with which we grew up and looking at how detrimental they are to human growth and self-expression. Women ought to be able to be who they really are without hindrance. It is far past time for societal change.
    Great post! If you’re celebrating, have a wonderful holiday!


  23. awax1217 Avatar

    We have two daughters and two grand daughters. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. No man or woman should stand over another and think I am in power and they are under me. Eventually it is turned around.
    The world of reality is filled with Karma.

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Golden T Avatar

    Upon all the feminist writers we got all over the world,such is still happening……. Do you think such situation can be totally eradicated?, don’t you think it can only be reduced but will still be happening in our society of today?…


  25. Caterina Avatar

    So true. I don’t even blame the woman of the first story, she’s the daughter of a society that tells women they are “not enough”. As women and victims of sexism, we easily fall into the trap of becoming the perpetrators too. We need to keep fighting this patriarchal society, empower women and educate everybody to create a more equal society. Thanks for telling these stories!


  26. Dhwani Avatar

    A-MAZING I swear 💕


  27. brazycitch1981 Avatar

    Misogyny is engrained in the history of most societies. The idea that it is in fact wrong is a new concept on the timeline of things. Let’s hope our modern, tolerant attitudes speed up the rate at which misogyny becomes unheard of.


  28. twobytour Avatar

    It’s constant work-the deck is stacked and the pressures of society will wash away every little victory is we don’t keep pushing. Definitely a long slog, but the alternative doesn’t do anyone any favors at the end of the day. Thank you for sharing these stories. It’s always important to have reminders to keep pushing.


  29. whatifweallcared Avatar
  30. Proud_Clod Avatar

    From the first story I thought the older woman was expecting your classic techie wearing cargo shorts and a t-shirt (awful stereotype in itself)…but the booth babe comment turned that right on it’s head. It’s bad that people assume companies have people working for them just to be eye candy with no skills.


  31. Blush and Brews Avatar
    Blush and Brews

    So may women still have tons of stories like this to tell. It’s still so ingrained in peoples’ minds. Great post!


  32. Andy Fabio Michael Martinangeli Avatar

    Truly infuriating stories. My daughter will hopefully grow up in a better world. It’s important that women too walk away from ingrained sexism (as in your first story) and gender mistrust. Crucial in moving away from this status quo is to place trust in those (esp young) men who truly and honestly strive for equality.

    I have been in the uncomfortable position of suggesting a woman colleague (one I had always had a good and friendly relationship with) to go out for a drink after work, only to find mistrust (at first, we later enjoyed several beers together). I am equally used to suggesting afterwork drinks to men. But while the men take it for what it is, buddies relaxing with a chat, women too often assume bad intentions.

    I can’t blame it, given the status quo!
    But striving for change also entails allowing that change to happen. I make no distinction between women and men in friendship as on the workplace. If we keep on applying different standards to men-men and men-women relationships, not allowing for the same friendship across as within genders, can we ever speak of true equality? Removing the symptom (abuse, harassment) by stifling it (prohibiting the behaviour), does not eliminate the disease (gender inequality).


  33. Grisha Gupta Avatar
    Grisha Gupta


    This is such a great post, it is such an eye-opener.
    Kudos to your friend for standing up and I hope she finds something she deserves.


  34. Gbenga Kajopaye Avatar
    Gbenga Kajopaye

    The truth, an actual reality and we must face it.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. parwatisingari Avatar

    Darling we are not there as long as we applaud “Taming the Shrew”

    Liked by 1 person

  36. naturalphotographt Avatar

    We are definitely not there yet, and sadly, sometimes it works both ways. I work in a female dominant environment, and things are more balanced. Most of my colleagues are women, and the men who I do work with are lovely, sensitive guys ON THE SAME pay scale as me and we’re doing the same roles, and it’s the same further up the ladder in my profession. However, every so often, the men I work with are subject to a certain degree of sexism. For example, they may be expected to do the heavier work, which is unfair, we are all there to do the same job. And they have to be careful, because they are at risk of being accused of sexual harrassment purely because of the nature of our work, and because they are men. There are men outside our profession who belittle my male colleagues, because they see our profession as womens work. I’m really proud of my male colleagues for breaking the barriers and joining us, I also feel very lucky to be working with such kind and emotionally intelligent men. I can’t imagine what it must be like for women to try to break through that glass ceiling, but as a woman it makes me very angry

    Liked by 1 person

  37. Ratika Deshpande Avatar
    Ratika Deshpande

    This was very much needed. Thank you for sharing this!


  38. christinashineon Avatar

    Perspectives are fun to see from all the lenses. As already noticed, the ” booth babe ” comment can be accepted in many ways. The true thought like that one coming from a female is a very interesting point.
    Equality matters, I don’t believe that means the same roles, skills, or privileges for all. I believe that humanity as a whole is abundantly blessed.
    Even blessed to the degree of experiencing change and levels. Thank you for this read. I am now inspired to research the evidence that ” white ” anysex is currently the minority.

    Liked by 1 person

  39. ASpoonfulOfThoughts Avatar

    Very important and eye opening post. Thanks for sharing this, discrimination needs to be more recognised.


  40. worldlyandwordy Avatar

    Reblogged this on A Freeing of Self.


  41. fabulateurblog Avatar

    Being the first and only daughter, i also went through many such situations but yes! As my parents did, they stood by my side, and motivated me everysingle day . It’s better to do something rather than doing nothing, so sharing these stories will not fully remove this but yes! It will make people aware of what actually is happening.
    A great applause to all who are reading this .
    A great post


  42. Just That Other Human Avatar
    Just That Other Human

    I definitely agree with this and you really put my thoughts into words. Thank you. 🙂


  43. Blonde In Flares Avatar

    I’m really glad you posted this! We need to be heard. That glass ceiling, “bossy” label and beauty or brains judgement need to be set on fire like we did with our bras.


  44. Blonde In Flares Avatar

    I’m really glad you posted this! We need to be heard. That glass ceiling, “bossy” label and beauty vs. brains judgement need to be set on fire like we did with our bras!

    Liked by 1 person

  45. whitec1971 Avatar

    A much needed perspective on gender discrimination. Making assumptions based on looks and sex is appalling. There are so many layers to sexism in our society.


  46. azzamap Avatar
  47. schmedfactor Avatar

    Thank you. I am 66 and I managed to live through a bad part of this history; however, the reason that I told you my age is that I once again feel the sting of all this. Not only am I still a woman, I am an old woman. Damn it. This time round, I won’t be so quiet about it all.

    Liked by 1 person

  48. mohan312 Avatar
  49. We have a problem. – Revelry Reverie Avatar

    […] I’ve said before, the big problems aren’t the only problems. Yes, it’s a huge problem when the […]


  50. therealellie Avatar

    I’m very happy that the time has come for women to have a platform to be heard. I am not referring to blogging but bringing to light an issue that for many decades females had to be silent about. While I say this, the conversation is only happening in the west and unfortunately the Middle East is very much far and out of reach. This brings to mind the times were managers and top executives sexually harass females in the work place while HR covers it up. I truly wish that soon this becomes a global movement rather than a local one. There’s so many barriers making you wonder where to even begin. In regards to passive sexism, all you really need to do is have a look at any boardroom of global companies and how many females have a seat of power to the ratio of men. Then guess how many females would agree they’ve been interrupted numerous of times during meetings by their fellow male colleagues.


  51. angelanoelauthor Avatar

    I think the fact that you helped the woman at the booth move through her embarrassment says a lot. No doubt she walked away with a wider understanding of the world because you took the time to help her not only with her problem, but with opening up her experience and pointing out (kindly) her bias. We can’t change the world if we don’t take the time.


  52. Sherman Avatar

    I love how blunt you are with confronting the sexism issue. It is true that our society needs a lot more flourishing to achieve the ideal male female equilibrium. I’m merely an undergrad but I feel so blessed to see advocates like you who voice out with such bravery and poise. You inspire me with your stories, and I’m a fan❤️.


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